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Friday 18 May 2012

Our first blog. Naturally, it's about food.

Here at Food Spectrum we love new initiatives and fresh ways of thinking about food, which is probably why we love the street food movement so much. It’s great to see talented, passionate people doing what they love best and producing top quality food which is accessible for everyone. That’s why, in the run up to Food Spectrum, we will be playing host to a number of different street food practitioners, so that they get a chance to reach a wider audience, and that people who may not have heard of them will discover the amazing food they are missing out on. 

On Wednesday we had the Pizza Pilgrims come and do their thing at The Endurance. People were able to shelter from the rather aggressive April showers with a pint, whilst still getting to sample the delicious street food the guys are so famous for. The Pizza Pilgrims fire up their oven to just the right temperature to ensure that you get the authentic Italian taste with superbly thin and crispy bases. Toppings included the amazingly tasty spicy nduja sausage, our personal favourite. It was a pleasure to have them cook their food for The Endurance’s more regular punters, as well as seeing some of their already acquainted fans come along. You will have to watch this space for more street food coming to The Endurance very soon!

You can find the Pizza Pilgrims at Berwick Street Market.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus feugiat odio id nunc eleifend quis suscipit velit consequat. Cras vel purus justo, et tincidunt erat. Vestibulum quis quam tellus, sit amet tempor orci. Morbi eu mi quis mauris condimentum faucibus. Suspendisse tincidunt arcu in lectus pretium luctus. Quisque volutpat mollis sem eu laoreet. Proin ac mauris quis nunc mollis ullamcorper et fringilla est. Proin dapibus, ante at tristique vulputate, odio neque tristique metus, vel suscipit mauris nisi interdum arcu. Sed aliquet lorem eros, ac facilisis justo.
Sed vel metus eros. Pellentesque nec dignissim elit. Sed tempor risus quis eros ornare lobortis. Duis iaculis enim non diam ultricies lobortis convallis sem ornare. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed hendrerit cursus nibh at consequat. Etiam eu dolor vitae urna fringilla bibendum. Sed libero neque, pharetra sed blandit ultrices, sodales vitae tortor. Etiam convallis volutpat magna, et ultrices est molestie sit amet. Praesent augue quam, gravida in accumsan sed, ultricies in magna. Maecenas nunc nulla, commodo ac pellentesque at, pellentesque ac diam. Aliquam sapien justo, mattis at auctor ac, tempor in sem. Nullam sed turpis ante, non mollis erat.
Quisque scelerisque faucibus bibendum. Duis sit amet risus ipsum. Cras vitae lacinia dui. Fusce condimentum bibendum justo, id vehicula quam euismod vitae. Praesent aliquam enim in mauris adipiscing id tempus quam consectetur. Pellentesque est risus, feugiat et ornare vel, malesuada vel nunc. Quisque ac risus mi, a aliquet nulla. Sed placerat mi non nibh imperdiet consectetur. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras sit amet felis enim. Donec tincidunt elit eget eros suscipit id sodales velit rutrum. Etiam rutrum porttitor dolor, sit amet posuere diam congue sed.